Crafts and Such

A little about me. I like to work in my garden when the weather's nice. Since I live in the south, the weather's nice most of the year. Except when it's really hot outside. Like right now. During the winter, one of my favorite things to do is make homemade candles. I also enjoy doing some beadwork, and I keep thinking about starting a scrapbook. I always enjoy learning new crafts. It's just fun.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

New Section on My Arts and Crafts

Our webmaster just emailed me and asked if I'd post about a new section he just added to our website. It's for all the professional crafters out there, and he's going to give tips and tricks for promoting your crafts website. He just put up an article on using articles to market your site. Hope you enjoy and get some good ideas from it.

Oh, he also wants some input about what types of articles you'd like to see in the craft business section. So just comment away, and I'll pass them along.


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